Typically reducing lighting bills by
around 70%.
One of your most effective
routes to cutting costs quickly is
to switch to high performance,
low energy, low maintenance
Led lighting. Typically, it will cut
traditional fluorescent, sodium
and metal halide systems
lighting bills by around 70%.
The Logical Group™ can also help
you avoid the need for up front
capex, as we can help incorporate
installation payments into a simple
lease purchase payment plan, usually
with very short payback periods,
with costs offset by energy savings.
We offer a free consultancy to
provide you a detailed survey of your
premises, a full comparison report,
bespoke colour rendered light
mapping along with full costings.
We will provide a comprehensive
report on your return on investment
and highly competitive finance
packages to help you significantly
reduce your operational costs
and enjoy an enhanced
lighting environment.